Happy Mother's Day ! Joyeuse Fête des mères!


 Happy Mother’s Day! Vive Maman!

It's Mother's Day, that glorious annual celebration of the women who brought us into this crazy world! ( She didn’t know at the time!)

 First, a little Bit of Mother's Day History:

The origins of Mother's Day go back to ancient Greek and Roman festivals honoring mother goddesses like Rhea - Well, R.E.S.P.E.C.T! 🙌  She was the mother of Gods! - as well as Cybele originally worshiped in the kingdom of Phrygia-

The modern version was actually launched in 1908 by Anna Jarvis, a young activist, who wanted a day to commemorate her own mère-mother, who passed away.

Believe it or not, It was actually a man, considered as one of the greatest president of United States: Woodrow Wilson, who designated Mother’s Day as a national holiday in 1914.. Yes indeed!

 In France the idea had been brought by Napoleon in 1806 as he wanted to encourage women to have children to increase the birth rate-

Mother's Day became official in 1926 when Aristide Briand ’s government made it a special holidays to celebrate Mothers especially the ones with multiple children in the same spirit of Napoleon. It is usually celebrated in the last Sunday of May in France.

 How La Fête des Mères is celebrated in France:

Although flowers, brunch and gifts,especially jewelry, are still the favorite option, it’s in the tradition that French children are writing a poem or hand make a gift like a special collage to celebrate Maman as I did at my young age.

However, as we all know, children may have some unconventional ideas sometimes!

I was no exception on that! 🙃

I was around 10 years old and I was looking for a useful gift idea for my Mom.

 I religiously gift wrapped a lettuce spinner ! 😂 (to wash and dry quickly lettuce & veggies.) Very convenient though!

 No wonder, My mother gave me a look when she unwrapped it! 🤔 😁

 Well in my defense I have to say that she was a big adept at making salads and veggies! 🥗 🙂

 I would eternally be grateful to my mother for giving me such healthy diet habits and being able to stick to a dress size four until today, among a few other useful skills she taught me, of course!

So let’s raise our Champagne-Veuve Clicquot flutes ! -(Demi-sec, s’il vous plait!)  and let's toast to Mamans all over the world! Santé!  🥂 🍾

 Joyeuse Fête des Mères!

Happy Mother’s Day! 🎉


Talk to you soon! A bientot!




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What is the most incongruous gift you ever gave to your mother?




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